
You're only a quick step away from joining the KidBiz CEO Club and accessing lots of fun stuff.

Join or Start a CEO Club
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Dear Young Entrepreneur (or parent of!),
“Ships are safe in the harbor...but that's not what ships are built for.”
Welcome, I am so happy that you got to this page.

This is the page where you move from sort of person looking around and exploring to being an official member of the CEO club.

And while I think you've already started some of what you need to do in terms of really having some success, this is the the big jump ( even though it's just a tiny little bit of money.)

It's a big jump because you're making an investment and you're making a commitment to yourself. And so I'm going to go through everything that you're going to get as a member of the CCO club.

just to let you know, it's $20 for the year, and that is all you're going to have to pay to be a member of the CEO club.

There are other things that you can do.

There are some cool income opportunities that you're gonna have access to as a member of the CEO club, but just want to lay that as a framework.

So at any time as I'm talking, and as I'm going through benefits, if you're like Frasier dude enough, I get it. Just I want to sign up then you go sign up and you can leave me behind and you'll get to explore all the benefits later on down the road.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness mas magic, power, and genius in it." - Goethe
But, you know, a good lesson in sales. Is to keep sharing until the person either tells you they're not interested or they tell you they are interested. There's no reason to stop sharing the benefits of the product to for someone until there they tell you yes or no.

And so the biggest benefit is that you're now part of this community.

Okay, you might already be part of the community, the CCO club, but what you have now is you have access to what we're going to just call members only stuff. There are lots of things that you run into already that you have to pay for. Well, if you're a CEO Club member, then you're not going to have to pay for those things, right.

There are things that you've seen that are bigger programs, bigger coaching, bigger workshops, bigger products, and you either can now get those for free, or you get those kind of a radical discount. One of the reasons people ask me sometimes we'll wait, why are you charging to the CEO club, you really just want to help young entrepreneurs be successful? And there's a couple reasons for that. I have a video up on a website called the four principles of pricing. And you know, one of them is that price establishes value. And this is a pretty crazy low price, right? I mean, it's $20 it's nothing but the reason that we have any price at all is so that we establish some value for what we're doing. And then the second reason for it is a little bit more nefarious and it's something that you're actually gonna be really excited about at some point in the future when we meet. You're going to say, Frazier, thank you so much for charging $20 for the CEO club, because what we've done the reason that we've done it really is because I want you as a young entrepreneur, to be able to benefit from inviting people to join the CEO club. Okay. I mean, the CEO club is about giving you access to business ideas and business models and networking, and showcase opportunities and promotion opportunities for your business and masterminding. And consulting and all this stuff. And it only works or really it only has impact.

If we're growing and growing needs. We have to be out there recruiting who better to recruit young entrepreneurs especially as you start to see entrepreneurship as more than just running a business but really a mindset who better to to recruit young entrepreneurs than you, right you know who in your network who in your school who in your community has talent, you know, who has the desire to create you know, who has specific skills or interests, so you can really become a machine of your own and start to invite other people well, you can do that based on just your love of other people and your love of entrepreneurship. Or you might do that because you're going to get paid every time somebody joins the CEO club. Alright, well enough. About that. That comes later. But that is one of the big benefits. Now.

The other benefits are you as I mentioned, you have access to lots of trainings, you have access to our weekly interview series. You have complimentary opportunity to participate in our young entrepreneurs Expo, whether that's the weekly or whether that's the monthly young entrepreneurs Expo, you're eligible for awards. You're going to be able to tap into our accelerator program, you're going to be able to access if not all of our business models, certainly most of our business models for free. And if they're not for free, then you're going to get a really awesome chunk discount on that.

Benefits of Membership

How I'm going to grow your network and business

My goal is the director of this thing is just to make it more and more attractive because if I make it more and more attractive, then we're going to attract more and more people. And as we attract more and more people, then we're going to have a great, great network.

We're going to be able to connect with adult businesses and CEOs of much larger companies.

There's just a lot of good things that are gonna happen, including what my real passion is, which is to help you guys grow your businesses.

So again, you've probably already started playing around with some of this stuff, in terms of exploring the site and maybe you've started to watch some videos, maybe you started to check out some of the business ideas.

Maybe you've even tried to take one of the business models and put it into play. You might have participated in one of our Children's Business Fairs. You might have been on the Young Entrepreneurs Expo. You might have checked out the Who's Who and reached out to somebody.

Those are all things that I can guarantee you are going to accelerate once you join the CEO club because you're going to be part of this community.

You're going to be invested in clarifying and achieving your goals. And then all the resources of kid biz and the coalition are going to come to help support you be more successful.

I'm sure this sales page will change so it's probably obsolete from the second I say this, but I'm really just going to encourage you to join the Club.

I within 30 days you say wow, this was a mistake, let me know get a refund. It's completely fine. .

But SPOILER ALERT: You won't think it's a mistake.

The only thing that you might run into is there are so many options and so many resources for you to choose from, that you might be frustrated that you're not able to do them all at once. Okay, that that is a much more likely response..

“A man's reach should exceed his grasp...else what's a heaven for?" - Robert Browning

A place to Think Big

My goal for you as sort of we talk about with the kid biz mantra is I want you to think big.

I want you to think crazy big way bigger than you've ever even thought of before.

I want you to create the future in an amazing way. Your future your community's future, our country's future, the world's future, the Galaxy's future.

I want you to be thinking as big as possible because the truth of it is there's nothing that can stop you. And there's no limits.

There are no limits to what you can accomplish except for your own imagination.

So thinking big is step one. Step two is start small okay? It is way too common for schools, teachers, even parents to say "think big" but what you also want to do is do something you can control you can do something today, that can move you towards your future.

A lot of times, parents and schools and teachers will focus on stuff that you need to do in the future, right? Like I will, you know, go to college, go, go get this, go get this credential, go get this degree or what have you.

And those are all fine and good. The key though is that you can start doing almost anything that you want to do in your life you can start doing right now. You don't have to wait, but you have to start small.

A Place to Start Small...Right NOW

Okay, so that means that if you want to open up a restaurant, someday or let's say we'll think even bigger let's say you have this great idea for a restaurant, and you want to open up a chain of 1000 restaurants with you know their own delivery drivers and you want to have merch all over the place with your business on it and and you want to change the way people eat or change the way people date or whatever. Great. Okay, so one path is for you to go. You know, alright, let me go to culinary school or let me go to get my MBA my Masters of Business Administration in terms of learning how to run a business, or this or this or this or this, but it's all that's also future focused, right? You're not going to get you don't get the real right now lessons by going into that educational path. It doesn't mean you have to choose one or the other. It means you can do something today.

If what you want to do today is to run a restaurant, go connect with a restaurant right now and say I want to help you grow your restaurant I want to help you become the biggest, bestest restaurant in this community. I guarantee you they are going to be happy. Okay, and if they're not happy, the one right next to them is going to be happy. The only question they're gonna have is can you do it? Are you a waste of time? Well start being not a waste of time, right? So again, what I want to help you do is to think big, start small right now and then just keep doing that until you run out of steam..

How this is going to change your life

Okay? And and this is gonna help you get jobs. If you want jobs. .

It's gonna help you make connections. If you want connections,.

it's gonna help you get into college. If you want to get in college..

It's gonna help you get scholarships if you want scholarships, .

but what it really is going to do is it's going to put you at the center of your life. It's going to make you the CEO of your own life right now. And your life is going to be extraordinary. It really, really is. .

So I'm excited about doing this with you. .

I'm really excited that you got here because honestly once you move from outside of the tent to inside the tent, we get to play and create in a different way. So thanks so much. .

Hopefully you at some point during this conversation decided to click join and and pay your $20 for your one year membership and then all good things get poured into you. .

Right and so I'm looking forward to seeing you. .

Remember, think big start small right now in mind your own business kid!

Frazier O'Leary, Director
The 4 Pillars are:
1. Business ideas/Models 2. Young Entrepreneur Expos and Fairs 3. CEO Clubs 4. Coalition 5. BIG Network 6. Do something interesting

Guaranteed Value

Do not worry about "making a mistake". If at any time during your first 365 days of membership (in other words, at any time), you decide that you're not getting 10X the amount of value, just let us know and we'll refund your membership fee. It's that simple.
We know our templates work. And they work for nearly every type of product or service. And we're so confident that if they don't work for you, simply let us know within 30 days and we'll refund your investment.
“Now, one thing I tell everyone is learn about real estate. Repeat after me: real estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values and the least risk.” - Armstrong Williams, entrepreneur

Monthly Awards

CEO of the Month
CEO Club of the Month
Rookie Sensation
Master Networker

In addition to our exciting collection of features, we have an assortment of special bonuses that are available for a limited time:

Special Limited Business Development Bonuses

Add Yourself

JOIN NOW $20.00/yr

What Happens Next

After you register...
  1. you will receive an updated handbook
  2. your profile on the Directory will be flagged as an official member
  3. You'll schedule your Business Diagnostic self-paced interview
  4. You'll be invited to a New Member Orientation.

Agent-Investor proudly supports youth entrepreneurship.

For every new member, we provide 4 scholarships in your namee to our KidBiz, Inc "Mind Your Own Business, Kid" program that you can share with clients or in your community.