"Ugh! Not another ZOOM Meeting!"
Dear Ambitious NoVA Small Business Owner or Sales Professional,
This is
NOT your father's networking event.
(To be fair, your father probably didn't network on ZOOM.) But this isn't even your father's ZOOM networking event.
This is the
Coolest Networking Event
/ Conference
/ Business Hangout
/ Masterminding Event of the Summer...all from the COMFORT of your own home!
It's what happens when you take...
- A Networking EXHIBIT HALL (so EVERYONE can meet your business and you can meet EVERYONE else's business while you're busy doing other things,)
SPEED NETWORKING and CONNECTIONS (so you can walk out of there with BRAND NEW contacts to create connections to attract new clients,)
- Artificial Intelligence-Assisted MATCHMAKING
(so that you'll be handed quality connections based on who you are and what you're hoping to accomplish,)
- AWESOME Speakers and Workshops (so you'll end the day SMARTER, STRONGER, and BETTER ABLE to accomplish your business goals,)
- TRIVIA CHALLENGES (to have fun and make DIFFERENT connections (while raising funds for your favorite communities), )
...and add 150 of the smartest, most ambitious small business owners in NoVA...
and bring them all together to connect with each other and help
fund- and friend raise to support young community entrepreneurs.
It's like an Explosion of AWESOME!
(note to self - check GoDaddy for AweSplosion.com).
In fact, this event is my opportunity each year to
ONE UP the last "Networking For Good" event - to invite
NEW people, to attract
NEW Speakers, to add
NEW activities and features to help people connect in
deeper, wider, cooler ways.
For an entrepreneur/innovator, this is the most wonderfullest time of the year!!!
I'm coming!
So let's get a few things out of the way.
# 1 - This event is
FREE (at least until the Early Bird Deadline passes or we hit 150 RSVPs).
# 2 - This event is for YOU -
to learn, to connect, to promote your business.
# 3 - This event is meant to make you happy and to turn you into a raving fan and evangelist for Fort Hunt University and our NoVA Business is Good Network. (If we do THAT, we all win).
I'm coming!
"But why should I care, Frazier?"
Why should you add yourself to the list, and then make sure you're there (online) on Aug 14th? Because You NEED and WANT new clients.
You know contact and connections EQUAL more clients and you want more opportunities to develop your network.
Or you KNOW
contacts and connections equal more clients but you DON'T HAVE THE TIME to network.
Or you don't want to invest hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours in networking.
Or you're just shy.
Or you don't know what to say.
Or you have
deep seated insecurities and you think
you're boring and no one wants to listen to you.
You may be right
(about all of other stuff...Not the "you're boring" thing. I think you're fascinating).
So who are we inviting?
Who will be THERE for you to connect with?
Real Estate Agents - Title Companies - Financial Advisors - Pet Trainers - Painters - Landscape Architects - App Designers - Digital Marketing Specialists - Bankers - Government Contractors - Business Coaches - Martial Arts Studios - Property & Casualty Insurance Agents - CPAs - General Contractors - Home Inspectors - Mortgage Lenders - Physical Therapists - Personal Trainers - Commercial Real Estate Agents - B2B Specialists - Architects - Attorneys - Organizational Consultans - Marketing/Communications Companies - Media - Benefits Consultants - Home Services - Flooring - New Media Experts - Chamber Directors - Elected Officials - Business Finance
Enough people for you to
achieve your 2020 goals in one awesome swoop. But that's not the best part...
I'm coming!
best part is that
you won't be alone in that crowd.
Between NOW and the event, my crack team of Artificially Intelligent Minions are going to spend every minute learning about you, boosting you, and connecting you in advance.
Getting questions answered.
Updating your Networking Profile.
Finding common ground and common interests.
Sharpening your Elevator Pitch.
Surfacing undiscovered connections.
Capturing and Promoting your Networking Intro on Video!
All so that, on August 14th, you'll be compelled to SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS...
"This was the greatest Networking Event of my LIFE!!!!"
And maybe become an FHU Business Booster and tell a friend. (a girl can dream, right?)
So here's what you should do now...
STEP #1 - Add Yourself to the List.
STEP #2 - See who's coming/who you know.
STEP #3 - Pick Opportunities to Get More Exposure & Increase Your Leverage.
That's all I got for you, Kid.
Check out the event shedule, the list of speaker and resources and let's get you on that list so that you're plugged in between now and the "Networking For Good Event"!
Frazier O'Leary
Chief Inviter
The NoVA BIG (Business is Good) Network (supporting Fort Hunt University)
"Life is better when Business is Good!"